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Lynn Nicholas
Published Author
Current Residence:
Works By Lynn Nicholas:
A Bit About Me
It’s been an interesting journey from technical editor to creative writer—one I started in my mid-fifties. I began by submitting short pieces to newsletters and sites like FanStory, followed by blogging on Live Journal. Encouraged by feedback, I submitted essays, poems, and flash fiction to both online and print publications. Acceptance was motivation to continue.
Over the years I expanded my skills through continuing education, taking both online and in-person writing classes. Through one advanced class, I became part of the editorial team for Pima Community College’s (PCC) award-wining, art and literature magazine, SandScript. I also entered the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenges in 2007, 2008, and 2011. Each time I successfully completed the goal of finishing a 50K-word, draft novel in the allotted 30 days. My first two “NaNo” novels remain drafts. But, in 2014, through a PCC Special Projects writing class, I began revising and expanding my third draft novel in earnest. Dancing Between the Beats was published in 2019.
My publication credits include Flash Fiction Magazine, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, The Storyteller, The Wild Word, Every Day Fiction, Wow! Women on Writing, SandScript Art & Literature, and most recently, the 2023 Left Coast Crime anthology, Trouble in Tucson. I also post essays and observations on life on my blog The View From my Window.
On a more personal note, I describe myself as a bit of an introvert and an observer of life. As such, my writing leans towards situational or character-driven pieces—slice of life stories. Ideas hit me when I least expect them, often when my mind is relaxed when I’m gardening or surrounded by nature. I also express my creativity through photography, feeling compelled to capture the world around me through the camera lens. I started ballroom dancing at sixty, and recently I have begun developing my artistic skills via watercolor and colored pencil. In my garden I combine colors and textures with abandon. I also connect with animals on an instinctive level. What I am not is mechanical. I lack even the most basic of mechanical skills. My husband will happily verify this fact.
I am a member of Sisters in Crime, the Society of Southwestern Authors, and the Arizona Authors Association.