Check out our history with our Historian, President Emeritus Toby Fesler Heathcotte.
Arizona Authors Association Literary Contest
The road is waiting, you have merely to take the first step. See where your writing will take you.

For best results, please view this page on a desktop, laptop or tablet. Thank you.
The 2025 Literary Contest
is open worldwide* from
Jan 1, 2025 through
11:59 PM MST June 1, 2025.
* Please read the Contest Rules for more complete information.

Welcome, New Mexico-Arizona Book Co-op members! We've been authorized to display the New Mexico-Arizona Book Award logo and to offer new opportunities to our New Mexico neighbors and beyond. Come and get to know the Arizona Authors Association. It's good to have you here!
One Grand Prize: $500
Three First Prizes: $200 each
Three Second Prizes: $125 each
Three Third Prizes: $75 each
Three Fourth Prizes: $50 each
Eleven Best of Subcategory: $25 each
All Winners Also Receive Recognition in the 2026
Arizona Literary Magazine and a Free PDF Copy.
Poetry (up to 50 lines)
Short Fiction (5000 words or less)
Short Nonfiction (5000 words or less)
Novels/Novellas/Plays (first 25 pages plus 2-5 page synopsis)
Fiction: (2024 or 2025 copyright date)
Nonfiction: (2024 or 2025 copyright date)
Oldie but Goldie Fiction: (original copyright after 1974 but before 2024)
Oldie but Goldie Nonfiction (original copyright after 1974 but before 2024)
Published Children's Books under 12
Published Teen/YA 12 and over
Oldie but Goldie Youth (all youth 0-18+
with an original copyright after 1974 but before
3-step Entry Process:
1. Fill Entry Form
2. Select Entry Payment Method
3. Submit your pdf, doc, or docx file to: arizonaauthorsassociation@gmail.com
Step one: Fill in form

Step 2: Choose Payment via Debit, Credit, or PayPal by clicking a button:
Or pay via check from a U.S. bank/credit union to:
Arizona Authors Association
428 E. Thunderbird Rd.
Box 538
Phoenix AZ 85022
If you are not a member of the Arizona Authors Association but would like to enjoy all the benefits of membership, click the Combo button below to get an annual membership and a contest entry at the special price of $75 for both.
Step 3: Email your pdf, doc or docx to:
Check out our 2025 Arizona Literary Magazine and imagine your winning entry in the 2026 issue!
Critiques Available
To order an evaluation of your unpublished work or self-published book at $35 (a fraction of the cost of a typical review) click the "critique" button below and then send your pdf, doc or docx file to: arizonaauthorsassociation@gmail.com.
Be certain to title your email "Critique Request."
Requests are acknowledged within 72 hours and completed within 60 days. Such requests do not affect the contest and are not part of the contest process. If you wish to enter the contest and request an evaluation at the same time, you may do so, but your entry will be handled separately from your critique assessment. Please be patient. A full reading and a two-page assessment takes many hours to complete.