Check out our history with our Historian, President Emeritus Toby Fesler Heathcotte.
Join Arizona Authors Association Today
You may be a seasoned professional author, editor or publisher, or you may be just launching your career. You may even have decided to take up writing upon retirement. For all of these different situations and more, the Arizona Authors Association can help you enhance these endeavors. You do NOT have to be a resident of Arizona to join our membership! We have members in Oregon, Virginia, Minnesota and Maine, although the majority live in Arizona. Whether you have been a visitor to our lovely state, are a snowbird, or have merely dreamed about moving here, you are welcome to join our group. Since many of our meetings are now on Zoom, you'll be able to take full advantage of your membership in our organization no matter where you live.
For $45 a year, you will receive our Arizona Authors Digest packed with tips, hints, articles and features. You'll also have the opportunity to attend our workshops, and events. You'll receive a full webpage for your biography, book links, picture and more, for a polished, professional online presence without the need to create and pay for your own website, or to add to your online presence.
In addition, you may advertise your new books in our Digest in a full-page book release, also free to members. There is so much value packed into so little cost! Join the Arizona Authors Association now, to add your name to our list of authors, some of whom have been featured on the New York Times Best Seller list as well as in PBS and other television specials. Get your free professional webpage now, and thank you for your interest in the Arizona Authors Association, a 501c3 nonprofit established in 1978.
Click the PayPal button below to pay via PayPal, and thank you!
One Year: $45

Two Years: $80

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Two Year Icon:
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Send your name, address, email and phone number along with your check or money order to:
Arizona Authors Association
Box 538
428 E. Thunderbird Rd.
Phoenix AZ 85022
We will contact you as soon as it is received. Thank you!
Arizona Authors Association is a nonprofit 501c3 established in 1978
If you would like to support the Arizona Authors Association with a gift in any amount, or if you would like to purchase an ad in our literary magazine, please click the button below. Thank you!