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Jack Wulfen
Published Author
Current Residence:
Works By Jack Wulfen:
A Bit About Me
Jack Wulfen became hooked on science fiction when he was ten, beginning with Robert A. Heinlein’s Have Space Suit – Will Travel. From there, he moved on to Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars series, the book series that Carl Sagan said influenced him to become an astronomer. Hundreds of sci-fi and adventure books followed.
He began writing short stories as a hobby about thirty years ago. His writing passion has always focused on combining science fiction and thrillers into fringe science topics, also known as techno-thrillers. Jack recently published two techno-thriller novels, Tesla’s Ray and Fringe of Reality. Current works in progress include two anthologies of sci-fi and paranormal short stories and a third novel in his James Frost techno-thriller series.
Jack is an avid hiker, backpacker, and canoeist with a focus on wilderness areas. He has traveled extensively throughout Asia, including China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea. Almost every country
in Western Europe, as well as a few in Eastern Europe, has been checked off on his travel list. He spent most of his career working for tech and product development companies. For the last twenty years, Jack ran an
Internet consulting company.
Jack Wulfen has lived in Arizona for 20+ years with his wife and a menagerie of furry critters. During the winter hiking season, you can frequently find Jack exploring a remote trail in the Superstition Mountains.