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Genevieve Marshall
Published Author
Current Residence:
Arizona (Or where I last unpacked my suitcase!!)
Works By Genevieve Marshall:
A Bit About Me
I was born with a wanderlust for adventure and the unknown. I travel for the sake of experiencing all that this blue planet and its population of humans has to offer. As a single female traveler most of the time, I have found that my lack of fear and deep desire to explore has kept me on the move most of my life.
When the world came to a standstill at the beginning of 2020, I found myself still traveling, but in a whole different way. VIRTUALLY. Every day, I would explore new cities, villages, towns and countries on the internet. Then I started to chase down videos of Vloggers who were quarantined around the world, I became fascinated with so many places that I had never heard of before, even after having traveled for over 60 years. I was hooked.
I should write about my stories and publish a book for my family and friends to read, was what I thought. With time on my hands, I sat down, wrote and published my first book in 2022. To my amazement, everyone was thrilled with my collection of "Unexpected Adventure" stories. They asked for more. With that, "MORE Unexpected Adventures" was born in 2024.
Creativity and art have always surrounded me as well. In between my two books, I got the nudge from the Universe to design and create 12 Lined Journals. The pages are for people to express their personal thoughts, feelings, values, passions, beliefs, emotions and dreams. By conveying all these ideas, it allows their mind to be cleared for a better perspective about themselves and all that is around them.
I continue to write as I have found that it allows my creativity to flow, especially when I spend time up in Sedona in nature.
Arizona is where I call home now. My bag and passport are always ready for the next adventure.
The world is definitely my oyster.
Genevieve Marshall