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Gavin Kayner
Published Author, Published Playwright
Current Residence:
Works By Gavin Kayner:
A Bit About Me
Gavin Kayner's plays, prose and poetry have won numerous awards and appeared in a variety of publications. His plays include The Grave Digger's Lament - winner of the Chameleon Circle Theater One Act Play Prize, The Language of Flowers - winner of the Long Beach Playhouse award and Noche de los Muertos finalist for the University of California - Irvine adjudication - etc. Play productions include Curtain Call Theater in California, Community Playhouse, Live Theater Workshop locally and Yer Productions in New York. His poems have been likewise recognized. For example, "But They Never Invented the Wheel" won the Arizona Arts Festival contest and most recently, the poem "Write to Me" will be included in an upcoming anthology. His prose has appeared in Ekphrastic Review, Passager, Courtship of Winds and so forth.
He has one self-published book titled Nighthawks and Other Stories. Nighthawks is a collection of ten tales based on paintings by Edward Hopper.