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A Bit About Me

Dr. Diane Holloway Cheney was a psychiatric nurse at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital when President Kennedy was killed, in training to be a psychologist. She later wrote three books about the JFK assassination (encouraged by FBI director James Abbott, because the case was left unsolved). Her work as a psychoanalytic psychologist shifted when she was hired to develop the first assessment center for the Dallas Police Department. Mayor Annette Strauss appointed her as Drug Coordinator for the City of Dallas. As Drug Czar, she had complete access to documents obtained when police raided Oswald and his Russian wife's living quarters. Ten years of research enriched her works about Oswald.
Diane belongs to the American Psychological Association, International Association of Police Chiefs, Intelligence National Security Alliance, American Society for Industrial Security, National Association of Social Workers, American Nursing Association, American Medical Writers Association, International Social Science Review, American Film Institute, Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, and Sundance Institute. Dr. Holloway Cheney currently lives in Arizona.

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