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Debbie Weiland
Published Poet, Author
Current Residence:
Works By Debbie Weiland:
A Bit About Me
I started my love affair with poetry when I was quite young. I loved nursery rhymes with my favorite being "Old Mother Hubbard". This love of rhyme moved to more complex works from the likes of Shakespeare and Browning to Poe and Gibran. Of all types of poetry it is the rhyming poems that I love best. Needless to say when I write poetry it rhymes. I have also been lucky enough to know the joy of having some of my poetry published.
I began my first novel when I was 16 years of age and now I am far beyond that and alas my novel is still unfinished. I will confess that for three decades it sat in a drawer, patiently waiting for me to continue writing, while I raised my three wonderful children. Now that my children are grown I have dusted it off and I look forward to completing my sci-fi novel.
In 2013 I came up with an idea for a high fantasy novel and have spent many exciting hours with my son world building so that I can have the freedom to bring my ideas to fruition in a fully evolved world.
I look forward to the day when I will see my name of the cover of one of my stories!