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A Bit About Me

Cynthia Lang graduated from Smith College, won a VoguePrix de Paris, and worked as a staff writer on Glamour. After free-lancing (Glamour, Parents, Mademoiselle, Vogue Children, and New York Times Magazine), she wrote publications for the Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) and taught at the College of Communications, Boston University. Author of Sarah Carlisle’s River and Other Stories (Mill City Press), she is co-author with Jerome Kagan of Psychology and Education: An Introduction (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich) and with Harry Levinson, Executive (Harvard University Press).

Cynthia has traveled in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Turkey and lived in Manhattan, Cambridge, Gloucester, and Maine. With her husband John, a photographer, she lives between Gloucester and Tucson; takes classes at the University of Arizona’s Humanities Seminar Program; and plays soprano recorder in an informal quintet, “The Ice Cream Wagon.”

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