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Bob Herd
Published Author
Current Residence:
Works By Bob Herd:
California Real Estate Practices 4.1 edition
California Real Estate Practices 4th edition
California Real Estate Principles 3rd edition
California Real Estate Practice 3rd edition
California Real Estate Practice 2nd edition
Mega-Producer Results in Commercial Real Estate
California Real Estate Practice
Become a Mega-Producer Real Estate Agent: Profit from a Licensed Assistant 1st edition
How to Become a Mega-Producer Real Estate Agent in Five Years 1st edition
Real Estate Office Management 1st edition
A Bit About Me
I have been an award-winning REALTOR® for many years. I am a past President of the Tucson Association of REALTORS®. I am an Army veteran, and I am on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the Oro Valley Chapter of the American Legion.
I have had nine editions published of the five real estate books I have written. Two have been best-sellers: Mega-Producer Results in Commercial Real Estate was the highest selling book the publisher had in its price range, and California Real Estate Practice is in the Top 5 selling real estate books in California (currently in its fourth edition).
I started a novel titled Angel On The Border some time ago, but feel I need additional education, help, and more research to complete it, although it received rave reviews by my peers in the Advanced Creative Writing course that I took at Pima College.
I also took a Creative Writing course from Maricopa County Community College and was one of only two nominees selected for the New Voices Award for the work I submitted during the course.
My goal is to eventually become a full-time writer of adventure and crime stories and I very much look forward to becoming an active member of the Arizona Authors Association!
Previously or currently published books:
Real Estate Office Management…A Guide To Success
How To Become A MEGA-PRODUCER Real Estate Agent In Five Years
Become A MEGA-PRODUCER Real Estate Agent, Profit From A Licensed Assistant
MEGA-PRODUCER Results In Commercial Real Estate (two editions)
California Real Estate Practice (four editions)