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Bernadette Inclan

Bernadette Inclan

Published Author
Current Residence:

Works By Bernadette Inclan:

A Bit About Me

Bernadette Inclan was a Medical Laboratory Professional for 45 years before shifting to creative writing in retirement. Her articles on genealogy have been published in Somos Primos, the online genealogical magazine, and several of her short stories have been posted by her friend and author, Charles Jackson (see on his online Blog. Her non-fiction work, Time to Say Goodbye, appears in Inkslingers Anthology, Volume 5, Many Worlds Many Stories. Her first book, The Perils of Beginnings, a family history memoir, won first place in the 2023 Ute Behrens Phoenix Writers Club Contest.

“My family has deep roots in the Americas. I am a descendant of the Conquistadors of New Spain, New Mexico, and Louisiana. In 2016, I received my certificate as an honoree of the First Families of Bexar County, Descendants of Joseph de Urrutia, Juana de Dios de Urrutia, and Ignacio Gonzalez Ynclan/Inclan. In 2021, the Order of the Descendants of El Cid verified my lineal descent from José Miguel Sanchez Diaz, a gateway ancestor with noble descent from Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, El Cid.”

Bernadette was born and raised in Galveston Texas graduating from Ursuline Academy. She attended Incarnate Word College (now The University of the Incarnate Word) and earned a BA degree at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She received her Board Certification in Cytotechnology at the University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio. Graduate studies at Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State University) were interrupted when she was promoted to Regional Cytology Manager which took her first to San Diego CA then Phoenix AZ, where she now resides with her husband, Joseph. Bernadette has two sons, a granddaughter, and two great-grandchildren.

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