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AnnElise Makin

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AnnElise Makin

Published Author, Editor
Current Residence:

Works By AnnElise Makin:

A Bit About Me

AnnElise Makin writes from Mesa, Arizona. The Munich native took her first professional reporting jobs in high school, won a scholarship for the University of Texas at Austin, and has been a US-German correspondent ever since. She has written for Amerika Woche, German Life, Up Close Publications, and others. AnnElise learned her bookmaking craft at Harcourt Brace College Publishers and is offering an editing & publishing service. Her debut novel, Der Keltenschimmel (German), was received with great interest. Recently, its English version, The Celtic Stallion, Twilight Rendezvous, has gone live on Amazon. In it, the young protagonist struggles with “that Barbarian, Bavarian 70ies show” and its ghostly consequences. Earlier in the year, AnnElise published Random Accident in Sector Noah 135/56, a story book for all ages, illustrated by her daughter Priyanka with enticing water color scenes. In Random Accident, a little girl saves the world by bringing nature back to the planet.

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