Check out our history with our Historian, President Emeritus Toby Fesler Heathcotte.

James Buckley Heath
Published Author, Playwright
Current Residence:
Works By James Buckley Heath:
A Bit About Me
I was born in Montgomery, Alabama just before the end of World War II. Five years later, my family settled in West Hartford, Connecticut, where I grew up. Over the next eleven years, my siblings grew in number to a total of nine.
I am part of a large extended family, many of whom are published authors and writers, among whom are William F. Buckley, Jr. and his son Christopher.
When I left home it was to pursue acting in New York City. There I worked not at all regularly on stage, in film, and on television. In a few years I came to the conclusion that steady employment was more important than starving for Art, Mr. I left New York for the Northwest Corner of Connecticut. There I worked briefly in real estate before beginning my career as an educator. I taught English and Drama in both independent and public schools for the next 37 years.
Writing seriously began for me with a sophomore English class – a long story which I believe only I can appreciate. The more I wrote, the more I felt that my writing was much the same as acting. Certainly, I love it as much, particularly when the performance is a good one.
Short stories have appeared in locally published chap books. Two full length plays have been produced for high school stages. I self-published my first novel, Jimmy the Geek (available on Amazon) through a company called iUniverse (steer clear!). The book is available on Amazon.
Today, my wife Edie and I live in Sedona, Arizona.